Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pictures - Natural Looking HDR Pics

This entry summarizes the recent activity with HDR photography. Following some information items and recommendations.
First, the last milestone of this activity is natural looking, HDR processed pictures. The picture above is considered difficult to handle, due to the heavy contrast. In addition, the trees are back light by the sun (See the shadows direction). The HDR process maintained the fine details. It also preserved their color.
The full gallery, based on the same pictures of Tel-aviv and Jaffa is located in:
Some points to consider:
1. The process was done with both Photoshop (CS3 and up) and Photomatix. The later, Photomatix, is recommended. It is cheaper, easier to use, provides some process options and any parameter can be user controlled. Photomatix has also better registration capability of the pictures.
2. The source pictures are based on -1, 0 and +1 EV compensation.
3. HDR processing options: Here, Tone Mapping with default setting was used. It gives natural looking output. Pictures are looking more of the way our eyes work. In the previous entry ("Pictures - HDR Pics Of Tel-Aviv and Jaffa"), the "Grunge" option was used. It generates a more artistic looking, colorful output.
4. The HDR process is not suitable for action shots. The whole scene should be static, without any movement during capture.
5. There is only a small difference between a true HDR process (Working with at least 3 differently compensated pictures) and simulation mode (Working out of a single picture !!!). The later is only possible with Photomatix.
Bottom line - due to the restriction of item "4" the HDR process can not be a default picture taking method. It is best with scenic subjects. The HDR processing options and the detailed setting is up to the user preferences - It is the artistic part of the game here.

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